SheepSkin Cushion

So I’ve been finding that riding for more then an hour or two is causing my some discomfort.  In other words, my butt is killing me!!  So Ive been looking for inexpensive ways to help.  First thing that i bought was a little seat cushion from Canadian Tire (which only costs about $15-$20) and that helps but not enough.  So while cruising through i stumbled across someone that was selling a sheepskin seat cover.  Now i have heard mixed reviews on them and since they are usually quite expensive I’ve never really looked into them, but this was only $20 (used of course), so why not.  Here is a short video of it.  I haven’t had a chance to go for a long ride with it due to the time of year, but ill  give you a more in-depth review come next year.

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