So this past Saturday I did another charity ride. This one was the Ride for Autism. It’s a really important ride and charity that supports a lot of people, not just the kids that have autism but those that have to support those with autism as well. For that reason its one of the rides that I really try to support every year (this was the second year) and I look forward to it for the years to come.
As far as the actual ride, this is one of the best rides of the year. The first half is a little boring and straight, but the second half is fantastic. Full of twisty roads and beautiful scenery through some great areas of Ontario.
So for anyone that lives in the Ottawa area, I hope to see you on this ride next year, and for those that live elsewhere please look for a ride that you feel close to and support it. It’s always a great day, with great people, great bikes, great roads and it always benefits a cause, which is always good.
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