My Nomad is fairly new to me. It’s not new by any means as it’s a 2003. So that means that maintenance is a needed part of making sure that this bike is ready for the road and not going to leave me stranded somewhere. Since I bought it used I really have no idea what kind of maintenance was done to the bike previously so I have been replacing things through out the season, just to be sure.
So far this year I have replaced the battery, had the rectifier and stator replaced and lastly installed new spark plugs. Everything to again make sure that the bike is running as good as possibly.
Battery was easy to install and pretty sure anyone could do it. The stator and rectifier were done by a mechanic as I really had no idea on how to test the existing equipment or do the install myself. Lastly the spark plugs. Now the actual install is easy. But how easy will depend on your bike. Mine is super easy as everything is accessible. All i needed was the proper tools and the spark plugs themselves. This could be a bit higher on the difficulty scale depending on the bike you are riding.
Anyways check out the video on my install.
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