So I just got home from day 1 of the Ottawa Motorcycle show and I was there for just over 6 hours. So I’m tired. But I did get some great interviews from some Ontario based companies and clubs.
The first interview that I have is with the Canadian Motorcycle Cruisers club. More specifically the Ottawa Chapter. I had a great talk with Bonnie who is the First Officer about the club. Take a look. Hope you enjoy.
More vids are in the process of uploading as we speak so there should be lots of vids to watch over the next little while.
One thing though is that Bonnie said the site was, but its actually . Head on over to their site and take a look!! Great bunch of people.
[embedplusvideo height=”480″ width=”853″ editlink=”” standard=”″ vars=”ytid=b1gwLGK4uYo&width=853&height=480&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=¬es=” id=”ep4412″ /]
Great interview Greg. I would be very interested in seeing more like that.
I’m in the process of uploading a couple more interviews that I did today while at the Ottawa motorcycle show. Should be up shortly.
Watched them all this morning. Nice to be able to enjoy some of the show even if I couldn’t be there. On the plus side, I did spend the day on a four wheeler splashing through jungle puddles yesterday. Not quite the Harley but It’ll help me get through the next few months. Keep the videos coming.
Liked your video on the Vivitar. I may get one. Wasn’t really sure I wanted to invest a few hundred on a Go Pro which I probably won’t use more than a few times but for $70, I think IMIN.
yeah the show is good. bigger then i thought it would be. Going again today, but this time to actually enjoy the show. Sit on some bikes. Yesterday was mostly all work. So looking forward to today. Ill be sure to post some pics when i get home. Enjoy the vacation. If there is anything cheap at the Harley store, be sure to grab me something!!!
Cheap at the Harley store…good one!
Hey one can only hope. Actually the Harley booth at the Motorcycle show today had some great deals on stuff. There was one leather / mesh jacket regularly $450 on sale for $149. But didn’t have the cash. Anyways lots of their stuff was on sale.
Great interviews….well done!!
Thanks Ken, much appreciated. If you get the chance make sure to register on my forum. Can use that for some discussions as well. The more the merrier.