My last bike (now my wife’s bike) had a trunk on the back of it. And to be honest I loved the trunk. Being able to carry just about whatever I wanted or needed with me was awesome. Being able to lock it, and knowing that for the most part, everything in it was safe and dry. My new bike does not have a trunk. I kind of miss not having it.
We are heading to Americade in June and hopefully the whole family will be heading down on bikes (we shall see as the date gets closer) and luggage space will be at a minimum, or at least it would have been. My wife’s bike has the trunk and 2 small saddlebags. I have The Nomad which has some pretty good-sized bags on the side, but carrying enough stuff for a week for 3 people can fill all that space pretty fast.
Time to hit up the internet and see what was available.
Firstly, in Ottawa just a few weeks ago a local shop had a Motorcycle Leather sale and of course they had motorcycle bags. And I found the one that I liked. It was big! Price wasn’t horrible, but to be honest I really only need a bag of this size for large-scale trips like the one we are shortly going to take. They wanted $250 Canadian for this bag. I found the exact same bag at for $99 US. With free shipping within the US.
SO that’s what I bought. It’s a pretty great bag. Take a look at the video below as I give you a quick tour or the SB34 Motorcycle bag.
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