So this was a really big event for me, and something that I have wanted to go to for a while. Even longer then I’ve had an interest in Motorcycles. And this year I got to go. What I didn’t do was actually ride there. And I kind of wish I did, but in anther way glad that I didn’t. The weather on our trip down there was absolutely horrible. Nothing but rain and wind. So windy in spots that it was pushing our car around on the highway. This would have been a horrible ride on my little GV250. So in that aspect I was glad that we took the car. But on the other hand it would have been fun to actually ride there on my bike as this was a bike rally. Any way you look at it though I was there, with both my wife and daughter. It was a great time and if you haven’t been there before you should try to get to this awesome one day event!!
Hope you enjoy the video!
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