Hyosung GV250

So I’m sure you’re wondering what kind of bike I ride.  Well as I’ve mentioned before 2013 was my very first year riding.  I spent a lot of time online viewing youtube videos and reading a lot of motorcycle forums in regards to what kind of bike I should get first.  A few people told me to get the bike that i wanted to stay with for some time, but the majority told me to get something a bit smaller so that i could learn on it.


I ended up going to a few shops and was looking at a 2003 Honda Shadow 750.  I was really close to buying it, but first I would have to check with my insurance to see what kind of money this bike would cost me.


So many places wouldn’t even look at me as a first time rider, but I found a company that specialized in riders whom had taken their riders course and were first time riders.  After talking with them and figuring that I would be paying $2000+ dollars to insure this bike I went back and started looking again.


I came across a few sites that spoke of Hyosung, especially their GV250.  They talked about how it was a much larger 250cc then almost any other 250cc bike out there and that most would easily think that this bike was a 650cc.  Also that their HP was a bit higher then most 250s.  Anyways I figured it couldn’t hurt to go take a look.


I found a local retailer who had a couple of them in stock and I headed down to look at them.  The bike felt good.  They had the colour that I wanted and within a week the bike was mine.  Just to take a step back, I contacted my insurance again just to see what this bike would cost and found that it was a much more reasonable $680/year.  Which was totally doable.


Anyways they had some “new” 2009 GV250’s in stock and sold them at a reduced price, which I was totally down for.  So I have now ridden this bike for a full season and will ride it for at least one more.  My hope is that it will get passed down to my wife for her to learn on, and ill move up to something bigger.


Well thats my story.


[embedplusvideo height=”480″ width=”853″ editlink=”http://bit.ly/1nhKM6C” standard=”http://www.youtube.com/v/zRQLLIfic-E?fs=1″ vars=”ytid=zRQLLIfic-E&width=853&height=480&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=¬es=” id=”ep8153″ /]


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