Merrickville is home to its very on Motorcycle show. Last year I went and arrived a little later on in the day and to be honest there wasn’t that many people there. This is the events 5th year and I ended up going a little earlier in the day. The event goes from 10am until 5pm and I arrive somewhere around noon. And it was much busier than last year. A lot more bikes and a tone more people. The weather was in total agreement as it was in the mid 20’s celsius with very little clouds in the sky. Everything you would want to have a great turnout. And there was.
This event is one that is definitely growing and I look forward to what it will become in the upcoming years. I do find that they need to invest in some kind of merchandising. As I just came back from Friday the 13th in Port Dover, where everyone is selling t-shirts, patches and whatever else you can think of. This needs to happen at this event as well. This way people will see and recognize their ‘brand’ year round! I know that I would have bought a t-shirt or patch if there were available.
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